Surgery…and recovery is easy!

By: Our Team


You want surgery but are concerned about the recovery. You don’t want pain or dealing with the effects of being on narcotics. That’s fair. After all, most surgeons talk about the drugs and side effects you can expect following your surgery. I believe you should have an easy recovery that doesn’t involve unnecessary narcotics or their unwanted side effects. My motto: “You don’t have to worry about pain that doesn’t exist.” That’s why I’ve developed a 3-step narcotics-free surgery and recovery protocol that involves pre-, during, and post-surgery.

Step 1: Pre-surgery

Before surgery, you’ll get special anti-inflammatory medications that reduce the sensation of throbbing and aching, medication to reduce nerve sensitivity, and a pill to reduce the risk of nausea — all non-narcotic.

Step 2: During surgery

During your procedure, I inject a long-acting local nerve block directly into the surgical site. This is coupled with special anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants, as needed. These non-opioid drugs release gradually over the next 2 – 3 days, which gives you pain-free recovery time.

Step 3: Post-surgery

The drugs injected during surgery are working while you rest. By the time the drugs are fully released, you’re well on your way to being able to deal with any residual discomfort. When necessary, I may also add muscle relaxants to deal with spasms that could add discomfort. Most of my patients require nothing more than Tylenol® during their recovery period.

Why opioid-free recovery

Still unsure? Here are some of the benefits of opioid-free recovery:

  • Reduced need for pain medication after surgery.
  • Decreased postoperative nausea and vomiting.
  • Reduced risk of allergic reaction.
  • Enhanced recovery and satisfaction.

Narcotics-free surgical options

If I make an incision, it most probably can be a narcotics-free surgery. This includes:

  • Breast procedures — augmentation, reduction, lift, reconstruction, male breast reduction, and transgender top surgery.
  • Body contouring — tummy tucks, liposuction, and BBLs.
  • Arm, thigh, and body lifts.
  • And more.

Explore non-opioid surgery and recovery now

It’s a great time to explore your options. Please contact my patient coordinators and schedule your confidential consultation. Call click here or send us an email at [email protected].

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.